Дoминик – бритaнскaя блoггeршa и мaмa двуx дoчeрeй основные положения фотопроект All That Is Three, в котором показывает связь между собой и детьми.
В Доминик очищать аккаунт в Instagram, где она выкладывает фотографии с дочерьми 11-летней Амелией и 4-летней Пенс. На снимках они все одинаково одеты, пишет Bored Panda.
«Я бросила работу к тому же в 2015 году, чтобы постоянно быть дома с детьми. Это было сенсационно, и я никогда не жалела об этом решении. Время от времени ми становилось довольно одиноко. Instagram дал мне возможность отвлечься в перерывах посерединке подгузниками и домашними заданиями», — делится женщина.
When a piece of clothing transports you back to a certain time in your life. These @monsoon military jackets, and their insanely cute mini-me versions, take me back to the days where I’d dance the night away to The Libertines and The Strokes, wishing that I was cool enough to be Julian Casablancas’ girlfriend. I never managed to nab him, but I did get Boy Dom, so…. ? Do you have any items of clothing that take you back? Or better still, who was your crush in your early 20s? #allthatisthree #ad #monsoon
Допис, поширений Dominique (@allthatisshe) Жов 1, 2017 о 10:41 PDT
The girls are both starting their new schools this week, and I’m not sure who’s more excited about it (here’s a clue…it’s me ?). A bit of a dragged through the hedge backwards look for #allthatisthree this week. It kind of resembles how I look and feel after a busy, non-stop summer ?. Autumn is for relaxing, right?
Допис, поширений Dominique (@allthatisshe) Вер 3, 2017 о 10:41 PDT
Plan for tonight: go to sleep, set an alarm for 2am, change into my Jon Snow outfit, make a cup of tea, watch the Game of Thrones finale. How will it end? What are your thoughts? Come on, let’s have a GoT online party (spoilers not welcome ?) #allthatisthree
Допис, поширений Dominique (@allthatisshe) Сер 27, 2017 о 11:43 PDT
The plan was to stay up late with the kids in the hope of seeing the Perseid meteor shower, but after a day of partying, friends, bouncy castles and cake, it didn’t quite turn out that way (Penny didn’t make it past 7 pm). So, instead, Dom and I lay in bed, opened the blinds, and watched. Thanks to a break in the clouds we managed to see two! *squeal* Who stayed up to watch it? What did you see? #allthatisthree Our hand-painted galaxy jumpers are c/o @wearehairypeople, and they’ve kindly offered you guys 20% off your next order if you use allthatisthree20. More about them and a link to this jumper in my Stories.
Допис, поширений Dominique (@allthatisshe) Сер 13, 2017 о 12:00 PDT
Always protect your eyes, kids ??? Currently sitting in Geneva airport (spending £14 on four bottles of water!), and reminiscing about our holiday. Please tell me it’s sunny in the North East — I’m not ready to say bye to the sun just yet. #allthatisthree #clubmedvalmorel #clubmed
Допис, поширений Dominique (@allthatisshe) Лип 16, 2017 о 9:02 PDT
Inspired by Penny’s newfound love for The Beatles and Penny Lane (or Penny Jane in this house). And although Amelia isn’t fussed on 60s music, and rolls her eyes every time we play it (for the millionth time), she had no objections to the 60s wardrobe. #allthatisthree
Допис, поширений Dominique (@allthatisshe) Чер 18, 2017 о 8:53 PDT
After driving around yesterday for almost an hour, stopping at every cherry blossom tree we could find, only to drive away sheepishly when neither of us dared to steal a branch in public, the cherry blossom idea was scrapped. While you must all have nerves of steel, the scaredy cat of the Instagram world (me) had to settle for a head of herbs instead ?. Who needs cherry blossom anyway? #allthatisthree
Допис, поширений Dominique (@allthatisshe) Кві 23, 2017 о 10:33 PDT
Автор: AdminGWP
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