Дом для путешественников: трехкомнатный прицеп со всеми удобствами и ванной

Автор: AdminGWP

Рубрики: Статьи

ФOТO. Дoм для путeшeствeнникoв: трexкoмнaтный прицeп сo всeми удoбствaми и вaннoй

Прoбывaть в трeйлeрe пoстoяннo мoжeт пoкaзaться нe сaмoй xoрoшeй идeeй, однако, смотря на эти фотографии, кажется, что в этом можно здорово сделать ошибку (глупость).

Живущая в Англии юрт как раз закончила перестраивать дом своей мечты, так изменила свое заключение и продала его. Жилье, площадью 204 кв. метра, они заменили получи и распишись небольшой дом-автоприцеп, общая площадь которого не превышает размеров средней британской квартиры.

Это решение не стало внезапным для Тода и Шери Снайдеров – пара решила утончать собственный бизнес по продаже таких небольших домов-караванов. И, по их мнению, отличается якобы небо от земли всего на покупателей будет действовать тот обязательно, что владельцы бизнеса самочки живут в подобном доме.

Тод работал надо этим проектов в течение пяти месяцев и обустроил кибитка всем необходимым угоду кому) семейной пары с ребенком (их сыну, Эндрю, 12 полет). В трейлере расположились двум спальни, кухня, гостиная и ванная комната с настоящей ванной. Исключая того, в ванной комнате нашлось поляна для стиральной машины и сушилки, ась?, несомненно, важно для путешественников.

А гляди как выглядит их трейлер:

All the mod-cons! The kitchen has a full-size fridge-freezer, a Belfast sink, hob, oven and dishwasher with a small table and two stools that roll out from under the counter

Spacious! The couple also built in two 9ft wide by 4ft recess areas which house the sofa and bed which can be tucked away when not in use to give extra floor space

Compact: The couple can increase their space with sliding doors between the bathroom and bedroom and Andrew has his own room in the loft space

The bathroom. Speaking about the ambitious project, Shari said: 'I had been searching for a business my husband and I could do together that would utilise both our strengths when I came across the tiny house movement'

Ambitious: The project took five months with Todd, 49, who has been building and renovating houses for 15 years, custom-making the trailer from scratch and building their home with the couple's son Andrew, 12, this summer

Speaking about how compact living has changed their lifestyle, the couple revealed: 'You just have to adjust your lifestyle, it makes you do chores straight away instead of putting them off'

Meticulous planning: 'We made it as big as we could because we run two businesses from home and home-school our son so we needed all the space we could get,' the couple said

Spreading the word: 'We're now on a mission to get other people interested in it,' said the couple. 'We've seen how it strengthens families and eliminates debt and allows you the time freedom to invest in the things that really matter in life'

Creative input: When it came to the interiors, Shari, 45, took over with the interior design, making sure she had space to fit in everything she needed and the home was livable for three people

The stylish bathroom

Getting off the ground: 'It takes a long time to pack it all up with the decks and the slide-outs,' says Shari. 'Moving from one park site to another across town, packing up and setting it all out again takes about four hours'

Meals on wheels! 'It's not really designed as a travelling trailer but it's a trailer that can travel,' the couple admitted. 'We've moved it a couple of times, the longest trip we have taken is about 300 miles'

Ongoing project: The couple have called it the Vintage Retreat and are now making similar models for other families through their new company, Hill Country Tiny Houses

A washing machine in the bathroom

Speaking about their ambitious project, Shari revealed: 'It has paid off though, we went to a show in Texas where we were up against 50 other builders from around the US and we were voted best in show'

Cheaper than a house! The homes cost $98,000 (£73,000) and buyers will need a one-tonne truck if they want to take it on the road. A a smaller model for a single person starts from $68,000 (£50,000)


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