Сaмыe извeстныe мoдeли plus-size пoкaзaли свoи тела вне ретуши. Каждая из этих манекенщиц сотрудничает с известными брендами и имеет мировую признание.
Свои смелые фотографии без Photoshop опубликовали Эшли Грэм, Фелисити Хейворд, Зачаток Лоуренс, Тесс Холлидей, Джордан Вудс. Ранее Тесс Холлидей откровенно показала крайность кожи лица.
К слову, именно Грэм стала первой моделью plus-size, которая снялась на фотопроекта Towel Series.
Эшли Грэм
Me?? #sorrynotsorry
Допис, поширений A S H L E Y G R A H A M (@theashleygraham) Вер 16, 2017 о 7:38 PDT
Тесс Холлидей
Here to tell you that even «Supermodels» have breakouts. ??♀️Hormones are a killer. Also can I just say that ever since my IUD my skin has been whack. Can ??we ??PLEASE ??have ??better?? birth control ??options. ?? #effyourbeautystandards #fuckthisshit
Допис, поширений Tess Holliday️ (@tessholliday) Жов 17, 2017 о 1:53 PDT
«I was born to stand out, to make people question things they thought they knew and to exist fearlessly in a space we are told bodies like mine don’t deserve to be in.» -excerpt from my book #thenotsosubtleartofbeingafatgirl ?? photo by @anastasiagphoto #effyourbeautystandards
Допис, поширений Tess Holliday️ (@tessholliday) Сер 30, 2017 о 11:30 PDT
Фелисити Хейворд
Definitely over posting today, but I’m living my best life.
Допис, поширений Felicity (@felicityhayward) Жов 12, 2017 о 4:16 PDT
I wrote a piece for @metro.co.uk about how @kimkardashian could have used those cellulite pictures as a positive thing link to full story in bio #selflovebringsbeauty
Допис, поширений Felicity (@felicityhayward) Жов 5, 2017 о 5:18 PDT
It was an honour to be a guest panellist alongside some incredible women today at the @lfw_festival discussing the topics of self identity in the digital age. My social media platforms are a way for me to express myself, promote my work and ultimately broadcast the message of @self.love.brings.beauty When I was younger I never saw anyone in the mainstream media with stretch marks, cellulite or various other features they like to call «flaws». I want to normalise these features as quite frankly they can be just the way your body naturally changes ( especially as a woman ) throughout your lifetime. I will always stand by the fact the » perfect body » does not exist and you need to aspire to be the best version of yourself, not someone else ??????????#selflovebringsbeauty
Допис, поширений Felicity (@felicityhayward) Вер 24, 2017 о 4:26 PDT
Искорка Лоуренс
Just trying to live free from expectation. I’m Free from any confines of insecurity I inherited from media consumption. Learning to celebrate the things I was told were flaws by magazines. Using my body to go through life living to the fullest everyday. Valuing myself for more than my appearance. Trying to be non judgemental to myself and others. Pushing to Love harder and laugh more. Thanking my loved ones everyday for being them. Feeling grateful to be alive everyday. —- Moments by ? @tiaprovost ? by @aerie #aerieReal #iskra
Допис, поширений i s k r a (@iskra) Сер 17, 2017 о 10:25 PDT
Иордан Вудс
Допис, поширений HEIR JORDYN (@jordynwoods) Сер 7, 2017 о 8:53 PDT
Допис, поширений HEIR JORDYN (@jordynwoods) Сер 7, 2017 о 8:51 PDT
Автор: AdminGWP
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